HALF – Hinton and Longworth Education Fund

Registered Charity number: 1056863

HALF is a trust set up to support educational and social welfare needs of groups and individuals from Longworth and Hinton Waldrist . The idea was first mooted in 1994 and was fully realised in 1996.

This is your local charity
To aid your educational activities.
We need your support.

Each year a number of fund raising events, such as the Longworth 10k Run, Open Gardens, “Call My Wine Bluff”, etc are organised by various members of both communities loosely co-ordinated into a Steering Committee. The money raised is given out in sponsorships. The Trustees administer the funds and award the sponsorships. Written applications for sponsorship should be submitted by 31 May with the awards made in June.


  • Val Burbank (Chair)
  • John Jackson (Treasurer and Secretary)
  • David Beckenham
  • Dan Vernede
  • Michelle Herbert
  • Stuart Corbin
  • Laura Quinton Maryon

Fundraising Group

  • Estella Warwick/Joanne Bailey (Joint Chairs)
  • Liz Cooke
  • Lesley Kinch
  • Nicola McLintock

Any ideas for events, offers of support and all enquiries are welcomed!

Guidelines for applicants on the granting of sponsorships

What are the sponsorships for?

For an application to be successful it must further the educational development or social welfare of the applicant or the community group which is making the submission.

Examples of awards in recent years

Various awards have been made to Longworth Village School to pay for Information Technology equipment, to subsidise school trips for those who would struggle to pay, and to contribute to the cost of the running track.

Contributions have been made to the cost of repairing and improving Hinton Village Hall.

Support has been provided to both Longworth Preschool (information technology equipment) and Longworth Toddlers (to subsidise classes).

Support for activities for older people at the Cedar Community Group (and its predecessor, the Kingsmoor Club).

Contribution to the set up costs of Longworth Community Library.

Who can apply?

Applicants must normally come from Hinton Waldrist (including Duxford) or Longworth and should be residents or people who work locally; or come from a group offering benefits to the Community; or, at the discretion of the Trustees, be a past resident with strong current links to the local Community.

How to apply

Applications for a sponsorship must be sent to the Secretary giving full details of the amount required, the full cost of the need (if only part funding is being requested) and a description of the purpose for the sponsorship. Applications for sponsorships are processed annually: applications must be received by 31 May and will be assessed by the Trustees at a sponsorship giving meeting in June of the same year.

What happens next?

The Secretary shall acknowledge all applications. After the sponsorships meeting, the Secretary shall inform the successful and unsuccessful applicants in writing within 21 days. The successful applicants shall be asked for an invoice(s) or receipt(s) to support the amount of the sponsorship.

Should a successful applicant not take up their sponsorship award, it shall fall away one year after it was awarded.


If you wish to apply for a sponsorship, send your application to:

John Jackson, Secretary

Email: johnicola@hotmail.com